Demand Letter Samples

Our demand letter samples follow a specific format to ensure
that they contain the required information in a logical order.

We supply a master demand for payment letter and then show you how to alter pertinent information to cater for a variety of circumstances.

car crashed in trap

The following topics are covered here with sample letters:

  • Auto accident demand letter
  • Demand letter for property damage or faulty goods
  • Demand letter for services rendered by you or compensation for faulty services rendered by the defendant
  • Collection demand letter for a Promissory Note or for rental due
  • Wages due to you
  • Personal Injury Demand Letter

In every instance the format of our demand letter samples is to:

1. Identify the Author of the Letter

2. Outline the Reason for Your Demand for Payment

3. What do You Expect from the Other Party

4. Time Allowed to Respond

5. Consequence for Non-Payment

Note: We discuss the above in greater detail on our page dealing with demand for payment letters. Be sure to review the information there!

Herewith the first template, which can be amended to suit your requirements. We do supply sample wording for the other eventualities, but since every incident will be different, you will need to describe your specific case in your own words and as detailed as possible

Auto Accident Demand Letter

Copyright Notice


Re: Demand for Payment for Auto Accident

Dear Mr Jones

1. I am writing and acting in my private capacity and in my own interest in this letter of demand addressed to you for payment of money due to damages caused by you.

2. On or around the ____ of __________________ 20____ you drove your vehicle into mine due to your failure to stop at an intersection where the traffic light signaled for you to stop with a red light. You proceeded to drive through the intersection and collided with the right front side of my vehicle causing damages in the amount of $_______________. Quotations received by three separate auto repair shops place the most reasonable cost of repairs at $_____________ and an evaluation of the vehicle, done by a certified evaluator, places the value of the vehicle at $____________ and so the repairs do not outweigh the value of the vehicle itself. Please find abovementioned quotations and affidavits attached hereto.

3. I expect payment of the full value of the claim in the amount of $_____________ to be made by you in compensation for the damages caused by your actions.

4. Payment must be made by close of business on the ____ of __________________ 20____.

5. Failure to affect payment of this claim in full and final settlement within the prescribed time limit will result in further legal action being taken against you to enforce payment of the claim in question without further notice to you. If the court rules in my favor you may be held liable for additional legal costs and the ruling may affect your credit rating adversely.




List of documents attached:


Below are further examples of paragraph 2 where you need to outline the reason for your demand.

Demand Letter for Property Damage

border for letter

On the [Date] Mr. X caused damage to my property in the form of my Apple iPhone 6s cellphone. Mr. X proceeded to take my cellphone from me without consent and, through his anger, threw it to the ground destroying it beyond repair. The current replacement value of the damaged property is $___________as provided in the affidavit submitted to me by my service provider. Please find all necessary affidavits attached hereto in support of my claim.
bottom of letter


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On [date] Mr. X damaged my front garden fence by driving through it with his automobile. Mr. X turned the corner at great speed and lost control of his vehicle, causing him to crash into my fence and thereby destroying a length of 3 meters of my wooden fence. The damage is such that it cannot be repaired, but needs total replacement with a matching fence. I obtained cost estimates from three reputable contractors which I have attached copies of hereto.
bottom of letter

Note: If the amount claimed is such that you know it will not be possible for the debtor to pay in one lump sum, you may offer the debtor a structured payment plan e.g.

3. I will accept ____ number of instalments in the amount of $__________ per month, starting on the ____ of __________________ 20____, and thereafter payable on the first business day of each month, until the debt is paid in full.

collage of plumbing work

Demand Letter for Services Rendered by You

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On or around the [Date] Mr. A approached me in my professional capacity and commissioned me to render my professional services to him and he agreed to pay the amount of $___________ upon completion of the work. Upon completion, however, Mr. A paid the sum of $________which represents half the value for said services. He undertook to pay the outstanding balance within a week but now six weeks later I have yet to receive the money. Attached hereto is the agreement between myself and Mr. A for the tendering of services rendered and the receipt issued to him for his partial payment.
bottom of letter

Compensation for Faulty Services Rendered by the Defendant

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On or around the [Date] I approached Mr. S in his professional capacity and commissioned him to tile the walls of my bathroom. The service was unsatisfactory because within a couple of weeks of completion of the work, a large number of tiles became detached from the walls, fell down and shattered. Despite numerous phone calls to Mr S requesting him to redo the work, I am still unable to satisfactorily resolve this situation. I have consulted with three contractors who all agreed that too little tile adhesive was used to be effective. I have also obtained quotes from these three contractors to find replacement tiles and to redo the work. Copies of their findings and their quotes are attached hereto.
bottom of letter

coins from various countries

Notice of Default for a Promissory Note

If your demand for payment is based on a Promissory Note, you need to reference the note in your letter and enclose it as evidence. Should the borrower not honor his repayments, you need to send a Notice of Default.

However, it may be worth your while to offer the debtor a reduced amount if he/she were to settle the debt in full within a short time. You can amend your demand for the entire outstanding amount as follows:

"I will accept the reduced amount of $_____________ as full and final settlement of the debt if paid by close of business on the ____ of __________________ 20____, failing which it shall not prejudice my rights for full recovery of the debt."

Collection Demand Letter for Rental Due

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Mr. Z has been a tenant living on my property as per our rental agreement, appended herein, which stipulates that a monthly payment to the sum of $_________, on or before the 1st day of each month, shall be made by Mr. Z to myself for the month immediately following that date. Mr. Z has failed to pay such a sum for the past two months and therefore owes a sum total of $___________ Mr. Z has moved out of the property, taking all his belongings with him.
bottom of letter

Demand Letter for Wages Due

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I have been employed in the business of Mr. A starting on the [Date] up to this present date. In that time I have been a good employee thus providing Mr. A with no reason whatsoever to withhold payment of wages due to me for work done between 1 February 2016 and 30 April 2016 (3 months). Upon request for payment thereof Mr. A refused stating my work has been unsatisfactory but has failed to adduce evidence thereto thus failing to prove any legitimate right to withhold payment of wages to the sum of $_________. Please find attached hereto the employment agreement between myself and Mr. A as well as any supporting affidavits that confirm the amount due to me.
bottom of letter

Personal Injury Demand Letter

This is typically addressed to an insurance company which would require detailed information such as:

accident report

  • Details of their insured party responsible for your injury.
  • A clear but concise description of the accident and why you believe the insured is liable (legally responsible) for your injury.
    You can submit any supporting documents - photos, eyewitness statements, police report.
    Describe why you were not at fault at all and even if you may have been partly at fault, do not mention it at this time!
  • Factual description of your injuries and how it impacted on your life.
    Describe your road to recovery and any lingering effects such as pain, scarring etc.
  • A summary of your medical treatment.
    Your complete medical file (copies, not originals) must be submitted.
  • A list of your medical bills - each medical practitioner, amount and then the total amount.
    You will need to submit copies of the bills and disclose how much your health insurance covered.
  • A concise description of your loss of earnings.
    This must be confirmed by a doctor's note stating that you were unable to work and a letter from your employer confirming your income and absence from work. If you are self-employed you need to explain how you calculated your loss of income.
    Any disability benefits that you may have, must be disclosed.
  • A description of any property also damaged in the accident.
    The amount claimed should be for a similar item and not for the original purchase price. For example, if your cellphone was damaged, you need to price the replacement value of a similar used model.
  • Your settlement demand for your injury - the total amount you are claiming.
    It is difficult to put a price to pain, inconvenience etc. You need to make this lump sum demand much higher than the actual amount you are out of pocket because the insurance company is sure to negotiate a lesser amount.

If you are not confident about writing your letter yourself, use the checklist above to gather all the relevant information prior to consulting with your personal injury lawyer.

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