Employment Offer Letter

A formal employment offer letter or a letter of appointment can offer
security for a prospective employee to resign from a job, knowing that a new position has been secured.

Once the employer has chosen the best candidate for the position and has done relevant background checks, an offer of employment letter can be issued.

hand holding money

The written acceptance by the candidate may offer some assurance to the employer that the position has been filled and it confirms the candidate's acknowledgement that he/she is competent to perform the job.

You can include the terms of the offer / remuneration package as discussed during the interview. Outlining the terms of the offer may offer peace of mind to the prospective employee and to serve as written evidence to both parties. See more detailed terms that you may wish to include after the template below.

Note: you may find a prospective employee who used your detailed offer as a bargaining chip at his/her current employer in order to solicit a counter offer. Whilst annoying, this cannot realistically be avoided.

The applicant may feel confident to tender his/her resignation based on the employment offer letter or may ask for a Letter of Appointment before doing so.

To candidates who were not selected after the interview phase you may want to issue a Letter of Regret.

For all these and more free legal forms and employee agreements, please refer to our main Employment Contracts page.

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Employment Offer Letter

Employer/Company Details:

Date: ______________________

Applicant's Details:

Dear Mr. Jones

Further to the interview we had with you on ___________________20____,
we would like to offer you the position of _________________________
with effect from ____________________20____ subject to your accepting and signing our Contract of Employment.

We would like to confirm the terms of our offer as discussed during the interview:

Place of Employment: E.g. Head Office, Regional office location or another country

Salary: E.g. $80 000 per annum, payable weekly/monthly etc.

Please confirm your acceptance of this offer by signing this letter and returning it to our offices by close of business on ___________________20____. A copy of this letter is enclosed for your records.

Please note that by signing this offer of employment you confirm your ability to perform the job as per the job description discussed during your interview and which will be reflected in your Contract of Employment.

We look forward to working with you.

Yours faithfully

Name and Title of Employer

Name of Applicant


You may want to include the following details in your offer of employment letter, or include it in your letter of appointment:

  • Paid vacation days/weeks per annum;
  • Additional remuneration such as a bonus or incentive scheme;
  • Company contributions towards a retirement fund or medical insurance; and
  • Company contribution towards relocation costs. etc.

Note: Once this employment offer letter is signed by the applicant and returned within the stipulated time, it may become binding upon the employer.

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