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Free Legal Information as submitted by Our Visitors

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Should I Close Out My Apartments LLC? 
I could use some opinions please, I know I need to discuss this with my Attorney but I would like a few plans to approach him with... Hello There, …

Federal Post-Conviction 
Having been convicted of a drug charge in the federal system in 1986 I was still eligible for parole before it was abolished in 1987. I received an …

Secured Loans 
I have a home I bought in 1981 which is fully paid for. I got a new husband in 1999 and allowed him to use my home as collateral for his loan solely in …

Landlord Questions 
Help! My tenant passed away suddenly and I don't know what to do! My tenant moved into my rental on a month to month tenancy. He was paid up on his …

Landlord Rights when Tenant Dies 
When does a landlord have the right to enter premises after the tenant dies? Our best friend passed away and he was renting from a cop. Two days after …

Who does this dog belong to legally? 
My ex fiance bought me a lovely dog for my birthday last year but when I started college his mother agreed to let the dog come and stay at her house as …

Bill of Sale Protection 
The seller of a boat has no previous Bill of Sale. Does a new Bill of Sale protect the new buyer from any future financial claims, and could the boat …

Debt After Divorce 
Can you take your ex spouse to small claims if the dissolution stated "no shared debt"? My ex-wife and I had a dissolution recently and on our paperwork …

Can an officer dig through your garbage without a warrant? 
Can an officer go through your trash can outside of your home without a valid search warrant? And can they then use anything found as probable cause …

Agreement for Graphic Designers 
As a freelance graphic designer and illustrator for the past twenty one years, I've never used an independent contractor agreement as such. Instead …

Free Legal Information for Landlords 
A landlord should avail himself of all applicable free legal information available. And if it raises more questions than answers, that too is a good thing! …

Important Notice: The free legal information available here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional legal advice. Suitable legal counsel must be consulted to advise on and resolve specific matters.

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