Social Media Will

A social media will should be compiled by everyone
who uses the internet in any way.

The mere fact that you are reading this content online, probably indicates that you also use email. And that's just for starters.

Many people have a widespread and very active presence in social media and may also have digital assets such as an online store, Paypal account, photo library account etc.

globe with internet icons

For Those of You Who Prefer a Hard Copy of Your Social Media Will

We provide a free social media will template here which you can use to compile your own document.

Be sure to read through the guidelines first on managing Digital Assets.

You could simply give this document to your Digital Executor of choice, with instruction to execute after your death. However, if you make mention of this document in your Last Will and Testament (or add it as an Addendum) it serves to inform the executor of your will and your heirs of its existence and your wishes therein.

If you do not wish to start a new will from scratch, you could make provision for your digital assets by creating an Addendum or Codicil as per the sample document below.


(Full Legal Names)

(Identification / Social Security Number/s)



I, _______________________________ being of sound mind, declare this to be the First Addendum to my Last Will and Testament which was executed on _______________________20___.

In addition to the above, I add the following provisions:

Social Media and Digital Assets

I appoint __________________________ as Digital Executor to act on my behalf in all matters related to my digital assets and presence on the internet according to my Social Media Will and which do not form part of my estate assets. If he (she) is unwilling or unable to serve, then I appoint _____________________ as alternate Digital Executor.

I have compiled a Social Media Will with instructions to my Digital Executor as to how I wish my digital accounts and assets to be handled. My Digital Executor shall have the power to access all my digital accounts, information and devices listed in my Social Media Will in order to carry out my instructions and wishes. Digital Assets shall be deemed to encompass all online accounts, files and electronic devices so listed.

I direct that a copy of my death certificate be given to my Digital Executor to submit where required in execution of my Social Media Will.

Upon my death I direct that my Social Media Will be handed to my Digital Executor who has stated his/her willingness to serve in this capacity. This document is incorporated into this Addendum by reference only and does not form a material part of my Last Will and Testament, and is not subject to probate or public notice and is intended solely as a letter of instruction for the eyes of my Digital Executor.

Signed on this _________________ day of _________________20_____ at this location _______________________________________ in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.

SIGNED: _______________________________


As witnesses we declare that we are of sound mind and of legal age to witness a will and that to the best of our knowledge ____________________, the creator of this will, is of legal age to make a will, appears to be of sound mind and signed this will willingly and free of undue influence or duress. We declare that he / she signed this will in our presence as we then signed as witnesses in his / her presence and in the presence of each other witness, all being present at the same time. Under penalty of perjury we declare these statements to be true and correct on this ________________ day of _________________ 20 __ at this location ________________________________.

Witness 1.

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________

Witness 2.

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________


NOTE: Alternatively you could update your current will (recreate the document) by adding the relevant paragraphs from the Addendum above to your document.

The Social Media Will template below is a separate document from your will.

It serves to inform your loved ones (and any other interested parties) in writing of your wishes regarding your digital assets and the person (digital executor) you wish to carry out those wishes. This is a confidential document and need not be admitted for probate.

Note though that your digital assets may have monetary value and may have to form part of your estate unless you've made other arrangements.

For example, a website can be registered in a trust and will then not be part of your estate assets.

Copyright Notice

Social Media Will of

(Full Legal Names)

(Identification / Social Security Number/s)



I declare that I am of sound mind and of legal age to make this social media will and that this document expresses my wishes without undue influence or duress.

I appoint __________________________ as Digital Executor to act on my behalf after my death in all matters related to my digital assets and presence on the internet as listed below and which do not form part of my estate assets. If he (she) is unwilling or unable to serve, then I appoint _____________________ as alternate Digital Executor. Receipt of this document certifies acceptance to act in this capacity with due diligence and is limited to the digital accounts and electronic assets listed below.

I direct that as far as possible my Digital Executor manages my accounts, profiles or assets as follows:
Email - Delete all emails
PayPal - Withdraw any funds still available to my designated bank account and close my PayPal account
Facebook - Memorialize Account
StockPhotoSite - Cancel monthly subscription. Give login details to my neighbour Jane Doe to use any remaining photo credits
CloudBackUpCompany - Cancel subscription and close account
Skype - Delete account
Pinterest - Deactivate account
LinkedIn - Cancel Premium access and close account
iPhone and iPad - Erase all content and settings
GardeningEbooks - These denote ebooks created by me and listed for sale online. Ownership of copyright shall pass to my son John Smith and he may benefit from any future sales.
MyBlog - All login details to be given to my niece Sarah Smith who will continue work on the blog.
Twitter - This account is associated with MyBlog and all login details to be given to my niece Sarah Smith.

Signed on this _________________ day of _________________20_____ at this location _______________________________________ in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.

SIGNED: _______________________________


Witness 1.

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________

Witness 2.

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________


Our Digital Solution!

You could make use of our App and completely bypass the need to capture anything on paper. Much easier to update from time to time!

You will be able to securely and confidentially store your login details, appoint an executor who can access the information when you pass away and who can follow the instructions on closing your accounts.

Visit our EndExec App page to register your email address and get advance notice when we launch our APP!

hand on login screen

Good Practices for Storing Logins and Passwords

We listed just a few examples of online accounts in the template above to illustrate how you can leave instructions to your Digital Executor.

We opted not to include usernames or password details in this document. We all amend these details from time to time and reprinting the updated document every time will be cumbersome.

You need to decide how you will make the username, password and answers to security questions available to your executor.

A practical idea may be to have a dedicated memory stick - protected by one single password - containing all your login information, amended as and when you change anything. This password can be disclosed in your Social Media Will with information as to the location of your memory stick (if not in the same envelope).

This is where you need to get a bit clever! Create a password that only your executor will be able to figure out. E.g. the make of his/her first car and favorite city.

The aim is to make it as easy as possible for your executor yet very hard for unintended persons to decipher and access your information.

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